Transliteration and translation of Torwali interview with Inam Kaka in Tab Pasture

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Transliteration and translation of Torwali interview with Inam Kaka in Tab Pasture

Zubair Torwali (ZT): Ji ̩   aːsəlaːmoaləikum    mʰo  mʰere   ʈeb si ba:n  mi tʰi. ʈeb si ba:n yæ tʰuda ʈeb ba:n, ʐemeʈ si ba:n tʰu. a:~ ʐemeʈʰede es ke pa:n cʰi menikʰa:lde pa:n tʃʰi. tʃer ʃeye es ke pa:n tʃʰi. mʰo ʈeb si ba:n si ʈol gʰən buzruk yæ tʰuda…. ena:m kaka: . ena:m kaka: set mʰo bʰeʈi. ima: təwəs kodi yəræ.

(yes, Asslala mu alaikim. We are now in Tab‘s pasture. The Tab pasture is a pasture of Ramet village. And it has it way via Ramet and via Mankiyal. The way to it is very beautiful. We are sitting with the most elderly man of Tab pasture, Inam Kaka (uncle). We ask him that: )

Zubair Torwali(ZT): ena:m ka:ka tu kʰedek ka:le ma: ʈeb ke uχodu: ?

(Uncle Inam for how many years you have been climbing up to Tab pasture)

Enam Kaka (EK): mʰun ə—- da:d si wəχ mi hum mel æ χələk bəyudud. mʰun da:d bəyudud. pæya bʰi bop sun bəyudud. mʰere mʰun təqribən pətʃa:s saʈ sa:l mʰun hui. mʰed bʰəi mʰed rehna hoduda. yo mʰed hodi yo æ~  mæ mæi mi hodi yo ʈeb si ba:n mi.

(In the time of my grandfather there used to be people here. Our grandfather used to go to. Afterwards fathers with his family used to go, too. Now it has been fifty sixty years of us since we live here. So we have these many [years] here in Tab pasture)

ZT: χa pətʃas saʈ sa:l mətləb tʃʰi mʰed hui pai~ biʃ ka tʰu çəbiʃ kale. çəbiʃ kala: mi tu mʰed dʰəru:da tʰeye ki təklif hudu yed ?

(ok. Fifty sixty means you have been here, hundered, what? Sixty years. You have been living here for sixty years. Did you come across any hardship here?)

EK: næ: alˈaʰ riziq dedu ki təklif nə hodu. nə hoduo kələ hodu a:se dʰu hodu. æ pən si məsla hodu. diyi ki məsla hodu. doi ki məsla nə hodu.

(no. Allah gives livelihood. No hardship happens. Yes, sometimes it happens and that is being farway. This way becomes a problem. No other problem. There happens no other problem.)

ZT: a~ tu gʰən nʰæyæl yi tʰunæ ?

(and you are a great hunter, too?)

EK: ha: næ kəɬa kəla a: beide me nʰæyi kodu. muʃ koudud mʰere da a:jizi hudu asəl mi.

(yes. No rarely I go and do hunting. In the past I did. Now I became weak really).

ZT: a~næ tæ ʐəmos si nʰæyi ki yi yed ?

(and yes have you ever hunted a musk deer?)

EK: han~ ʐəmos si nʰæyi muʃ kiyi. Han~ muʃ kiyi.

(yes. I hunted musk deer in the past. Yes in the past.)

ZT: a~: mʰere peʂina si kodu?

(and now you do [hunting] of birds?)

EK: ha~ mʰere yi peʂina si kəla kəla kodu. di:yi nə kobʰa:du.

(yes. Now I do [hunting] of birds sometimes. No more I can do.)

ZT: kʰedek umu honin ?

(what would be [your] age?)

EK: təqribən tʃəu ka:lo çəbiʃ honin.

(approximately it will be sixty four years)

ZT: tʃʰi  tʃəu ka:lo çəbiʃ a:~tʃʰi e po tʰu sohrab ?

(yours is sixty four and you have one son, Sohrab?)

EK: a næ dæl i tʰiya.

(and no there are others, too)

ZT: dæl i tʰi .

(Others are?)

Torwali: ha:n~  kiʃbər o ʃeibər o e nəwab o

(Yes. Kishbar and Sheber and Nawab and..)

ZT: mətəb tu me luɾ səm a:ʃuda tu mel ge uχudud?

(Means you used to come to here [Tab pasture] when you are of the age of this child?)

EK: næ es kiya mu mi.

(no. Earlier than him. In the lap)

ZT: mu mi ?

(in the lap!)

EK: a: tunu yei o bop si mu mi houdud. mʰa:mu mel houdud. bop si wɑχ mi.

(in the lap of my mother and father. In the time of my father I used to be here)

ZT: tʰe keʃ ma:l ma:l ki tʃʰi ?

(What wealth (cattle do you have?)

EK: mʰo ye ka~  gei mei hodi ka:~ tʃʰæl mæl hodi  ka:~  e guzara: hal ʃana.

(We. Certain cows we have, some goats, too. Yes that is hardly enough)

ZT:a~ bema:r bema:ri si ki yed ki təklif hudu ?

(Ill. Did you have any hard time because of illness)

EK: bema:ri si mʰi ya:d ne yedy yeræ mæ yed e peʈ ʂəyad tʃida.

(Illness. I do not remember that I have ever had an injection)

ZT: isi ya:d ne yedu i: tunu jon mi tʃəu pa~i ka:lo çəbiʃ ka:le tʰi isi. i: tunu jon mi peʈ yed ne ʂeyadtʃi. goli: ?

(He does not remember that he had had any injection in his life of sixty five years. And tablests?)

EK: goli: mʰere ke~d kəmtər kʰa:dua muʃ na kʰəudud.

(tablets? Yes very rarely I eat tablets now)

ZT; mʰere yi ke~d peneɖal.

(Now sometimes Panadol?)

EK: ha~n peneɖal yæ ke~d kəmtər kəmtər

(yes sometimes Panadol and such other tablets)

ZT: æ ʈeb yæməne mimi muʃ kʰedek kəla:ʂ houdud ?

(This Tab pasture how many people used to live here in the past?)

EK: mimi gən kəla:ʂ houdud. muʃ  tʃer  gən χələ hodud. mʰere da kəmtər χələk hodi.

(Here many people used to live here before. In the past many people were here. Now very few people)

ZT: æ ʈol mʰun æ torwa:li χələk hodud ?

(They were all our Torwali people?)

EK: ha:~n ʈol æ torwa:li ʐemeʈʰoʃ ha

(Yes the Rameti Torwali [people])

ZT: ʐemeʈʰoʃ hodud. da he ya tʰida ə æ ʈol ba:n punel houdud hæ~ ?

(People of Ramet. And then the entire pasture used to be full of [people]?)

EK: buɾ pʊnel houdud. mel mʰedek χələk hodud. ɣəimə hodud. æ gʰoa zed bəyudud yeudud e mʰamu mʰæ tʃəkəra mi itke mitke.

(Whole of it full. So many people were here. They made a crowd. On horses they come here and did visit here and there)

ZT: mʰere se χələk kʰæde gei ?

(Now where were those people gone?)

EK: se mui næ ya:m ye se buzruk kʰedek a:ʃida se mui næ. Leu ləka:r dʰeri næ

(They died. The eldery people all died. Now there are the younger generations.)

ZT: a~ hedek i ba:n ge nə uχodi næ

(And now people do not climb to pastures,)

EK: ha ka ba:na si hedek ʃoq no kodi.

(yes. Now people do not have that likeness of pastures)

ZT: he ʈol tʰæ ʃababa: si  si mes

(They are now the people of cheap cookies)

EK: ha næ

(Yes [of course])

ZT: a:~ mʰedke tʃer gən melæʂ yedida tʰo teɳi hodi?

(and so many guests come. Do you [people] get annoyed?)

EK: næ ye allaʰ rizəq dedu. χuda dedu. æsmæni tʃʰi. riziq æsmæni tʃʰi.

(No. God gives food. God gives. It is from the skies. Food is from the skies)

ZT: næ mʰa:l ʃana melæʂ yeræ se mel mide geidu mʰed jəwəi tʰi

(Yes. I mean those guests who roam in the pasture here and there and there are women..)

EK: ha~n tede ma:ʂ teɳi hodu kəi mʰere pʰuʈu o tʰin nʰiha:lude o ti de hæmu ma:ʂ

(yes. Man (one) gets annoyed by this [behavior] because they take photos and that annoys man).


ZT: a~  ki gən mən kodi se ?

(And do they trash here?)

EK: næ ye gən mən da mʰi ki mes no kodi. tʰæ bʰi ɖʰær key tʃʰdi pa jʰuwaɾi mi.

(No they make no trash because we keep them to the side of that Jhiwiri [marshi place])

ZT: χa tʰæ pa: jʰiwæɾiaye tʃʰodi. a~ mʰere kʰedek kəla:ʂ honin ai a~ʈeb mi ?

(ok. They are kept in that Jhiwiri. Now how many families [households] there be in the Tab [asture?)

EK: mʰere da ka~: bis pətʃis tis kəla:ʐe mʰed ʈeb mi honin.

(now there will be somewhat 20, 25, or 30 families in Tab)

ZT: dəʃ o biʃ


EK: ha~ dəʃ o biʃ ha~

(yes thirty yes)

ZT: a~ ba: ʃæi mi ?

(And there on the Shai pasture?)

EK: ʃæi mi ɛ pie~ʃ ʂeʂ kəla:ʐi hed hodi.

(There might be fifteen sixteen there)

ZT: tʰo tu yedu ʃæidi næ kenæ mʰed ki ?

(you came here via Shai pasture?)

EK: ha~ ʃæidi tsa:rwəi ma:rwəi midi anədi a diy mʰo me menikʰa:l me mei~ di gaɾe me kəla:ʂ miedi anədi a.

(Yes. We bring our cattle via Shai and rest of us come via Mankiyal by a vehicles which carry our families [up to certain point])

ZT: tʃer χon ki. aʃ mʰo a inam kaka: set mʰed mʰo bʰeʈi. mʰo iset a:ʃ ʃiya:n o məter o jora:ɖ si gel o ʃen si ʃa: kʰadi.

(It did great pleasure [talking to you]. Today we are sitting with Inam uncle and we will be eating butter, cheese and maiz bread with leafy veggies Shen here)

EK: ha~ ka riziq hio χudəi dednin.

(yes. Whatever God gives us as food.)

ZT: se yi ʈeb si ʃen si ʃa: . tʃer gən mʰereba:ni. tʰæ ʃukria ʃukria.

( And that is, the leafy veggies Shen of Tab. Many thanks. Thank you thank you)


YouTube link to the interview video:



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