WeMountains: Journal of studies on the mountain communities of High and South Asia–Call for papers

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The editors of the WeMountains: Journal of studies on the mountain communities of High and South Asia welcome submissions for the first issue to be published in July 2020. The journal is dedicated to provide a platform for researchers about High Asia to share their knowledge and contribute towards production of knowledge locally. Its primary purpose is to ‘empower these communities by production and dissemination of knowledge, research, training and advocacy’. To this end, the journal publishes research articles, translations, review articles, and book reviews.
WeMountains: Journal of studies on the mountain communities of High and South Asia welcomes submissions in a range of disciplines, including, inter alia, anthropology, culture, , history, language, literature, linguistics, archaeology, music, migration, translations, border, identity, education, security, human geography, pastoralism/nomadism, economy, language documentation and revitalisation, oral history, politics, literature in mother tongue and religious studies.
Submissions for the second issue should be sent to the Editors, Aziz Ali Dad and Zubair Torwali, at editor@wemountains.com. They must be received by April 30, 2020 to be considered.
The paper should be between minimum 3000 and maximum 8000 words with references. Papers both in English and Urdu will be accepted. Papers in APA or Chicago style are welcome whereas for Urdu use the footnotes for citation whereas include details of bibliography in the end. For special characters use the standard Latin special symbols of Microsoft Word with cambria style, and 12 font size. A team of editors will review the papers.
Aziz Ali Dad and Zubair Torwali
Editorial Board
Aftab Ahmad, Imran Shah, Prof. Mumtaz Hussain, Najib Khan and Waseem Samad

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